Monday, 3 October 2016

What Should Your Pet Sitter Know About?

You need a pet sitter you can trust whether you have an unexpected emergency, a carefully planned vacation, or the chance to celebrate with family and friends. When you choose a pet sitter in Marlton, NJ, consider Happy Tails of South Jersey. As we well know, sometimes there are emergencies that we can’t always avoid. But we CAN do our best to be prepared! Here’s how you can help your pet sitter be aware of possible issues:

  1. Mental Health
Sometimes our animal besties get sad or depressed, especially when there’s a change to routine. If you’ve noticed that your pet tends to have mental distress when you are out of town, please let your pet sitter know! We’ll work with you on medications, and we’ll do our best to help alleviate stress while you and your pet are separated.
  1. Daily Exercise
You know your pet best, which includes walks, games and training. Let us know how long you take your pet on walks, how much time you spend in the backyard, and if your pet enjoys playing fetch or doing some tricks for treats. We’ll reduce anxiety by keeping closely to the routine you’ve set up for your pet.
  1. Meals and Snacks
Some pets have sensitive tummies, and others are on strict diets! We’ll met your pet’s daily needs, including snacks. Let us know what you provide, and we will make sure that the food and portions remain unchanged.
  1. Medical History
Our reliable app, Time to Pet, has a place for documents, veterinary information, and other special instructions. You let us know what you expect, and we will keep all information carefully documented.

We take your trust seriously. When you leave your pet with us and open your home to us, we ensure that the best possible care is provided through our GPS technology and detailed report card. After checking in using our Time to Pet app, we email you directly with all important information and at least one photo of your pet. This way, you receive concrete information to show that your pets are in safe and qualified, human hands.

For peace of mind, quality care, and free belly rubs, pick Happy Tailsof South Jersey for all of your pet-sitting needs, especially in the Marlton area. We will visit your home multiple times a day, customizing our visits to your daily routine. Our dog sitting professionals feed, provide fresh water, administer medications, guide pack walks and, of course, play with your pet. We have the top people, superior in-home services, and client referrals to back up our claims—call or email us today to find out how Happy Tails of South Jersey can help during your next trip!