You might be frustrated when you find
your dog not listening to your commands and it can be dangerous. Above
all, communication can keep your dog out of trouble, and prevent him
from running out into a busy street or eating something that he
shouldn’t. So, it’s your responsibility to manage the problematic
behaviors of your dog.
it’s not always easy to get to the root cause of their behavioral
problems. So, what do you do if your dog doesn’t obey your commands in
specific situations or all time? Here are a few useful tips you should
consider to make your dog listen to you.
1. Eliminate Excess Energy.
Have you ever tried to communicate with a hyper toddler? If yes, you must have known how excited energy can be distracting for them and the same goes for the dogs. When your pup is raring to go, he only wants to release all that energy inside and is going to have a hard time listening to you.
So, you should make him practice the first exercise, then discipline, and then affection. Taking daily walks will drain all of your dog’s energy which will go a long way. Schedule professional dog training sessions in Marlton, NJ, and let the professional dog trainers help you out.
2. Maintain Consistency.
Do you notice your dog receiving different messages about his behavior? If yes, then he won’t know what you expect from him. You should sit down as a family and set rules, boundaries, and limitations for your dog. You can write them down and display them in prominent areas.
3. Master Your Energy.
More often dogs listen to their pack leaders and you can become that leader if you are showcasing calm assertive energy. You need to make your friend observe your behavior and give you feedback or even capture videos so that you can see for yourself.
4. Consider The Basics.
Is your dog fully aware of the commands? It can take hundreds or thousands of repetitions for some dogs to learn a new skill. Perfect perfect makes perfect. You can focus on training them again to make sure that your dog really knows the basics.
5. Avoid Verbal Conversations.
don’t speak to one another; instead, they use their energy and body
language to communicate with each other. Dogs are masters of body
language. They might find it difficult to pick up on your verbal cues
sometimes, particularly when they are overwhelmed by constant yammering
throughout the day.
if they know a specific command, they may connect it with a non-verbal
cue that you give at the same time – which is something you may not know
you are even doing.
your dog is listening to you, check what you may have changed about
your physical presence. Small changes can impact your ability to
communicate fully your message as you would normally.
Bottom Line –
Do you continue having problems with communicating with your dog? Consider hiring Happy Tails for dog training in Marlton,
New Jersey. Our dog trainers believe that communication between you and
your dog is significant for both of you and worth the investment of
your time and energy. If you know want to know how our dog training in
New Jersey works, please call us at (609) 636-6984.