Monday, 17 August 2020

Dog Training During COVID-19 Pandemic – Few Ideas to Implement


Have you brought a new puppy to your home? Congratulations! But getting a pet and raising them are two different things. Raising a pet requires a lot of patience, love and most importantly proper training. Raising a well-mannered, happy and calm pet requires clear communication, but figuring out on how to communicate and make your pet realize is one of the toughest and challenging task. That is why; it is necessary to get in touch with professional dog trainers and experts and consult with them to get ideas on inculcating good pet parenting skills.


During this Covid-19 pandemic situation where we have been locked at our homes, offers a plenty of time to spend with our furry buddy and blend with them better. You can take them on more walks, let them enjoy more play time which will make them comfortable even during this trying period.


However, you must also prepare your dog for the after Covid-19 situation, when you will be back to your work or study. So to prevent your dog from feeling confused after you get busy with your regular routine, follow the tips below to ensure your dog remains prepared for after pandemic life.

  • Create a Routine and Stick to it

Dogs are just like us when it comes to make a habit. Hence, you must create a routine for them which should include rest, exercise, enrichment and alone time during the day. Now make your pet stick to the routine strictly.

  • Allow them to Sleep

The sleep pattern of the dogs vary according to their age, health, activity levels and characteristics. Most of the adult dogs sleep 10-14 hours a day on average, while puppies sleep more. If you catch them sleeping, then let them rest. You can ask them to play only after they wake up, as they will be rejuvenated after a good sleep.

  • Keep an Exercise Routine that Best Suits them

Usually, 30 to 45 minutes of aerobic exercise per day is ideal for most of the dogs. However, you must consider their health status, capabilities while creating an exercise routine for them. You may want taking them on extra walks at times, but make sure your dog is comfortable with it.

  • Encourage them to play with their toys

Encourage your dog to play with their toys by making the toys more interesting. Smear dog-safe foods on them, rotate the toys frequently and allow them to play with it. After they are done with playing collect the toys, clean it and then place it in a toy box. Include different types of toys such as balls, soft toys, kongs, rope toys and likewise to keep them engaged in plays.

  • Training Time is a Must

Invest time in reward based training. You can do this with the help of professional dog trainers through online resources and classes. You can find many professionals offering dog training in New Jersey, who are offering virtual training sessions. However, make sure to choose trainers who use exclusively reward based training techniques. You can let your dog get basic training as well as advanced training via online sessions during the pandemic.


Happy Tails offer professional dog training in New Jersey that helps in making your dog well-mannered, happy and obedient. For more information visit

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