Monday, 19 October 2020

5 Dog Walking Tips to Keep Dog Safe and Happy


Do you think walking a dog an easy task to do? Just you clip on a lead and go. Well, this is not the case always. Most dogs need enough training and guidance prior to walking on the lead.


They should be aware of the best possible dangers that they come across while walking. Here are a few tips every professional NJ dog walker suggests for pet owners, especially those who want you keep their four-legged companion safe and happy:

  1. Pick the perfect leash.

A right leash selection is very important for your dog. If you’ve an untrained dog, you should pick a leash which will help you control them without harming them further. If you’re wondering how to walk a dog that pulls often, you should use a front clip harness. Naturally, it pulls them back to you.

  1. Go for extendable leads.

An extendable lead is a perfect way for your dog to roam around and remain firm in your control. If you’ve a well-trained dog, you should opt for extendable leads. But they are inappropriate for crowded places as lead asks to get tangled.

Extendable leads are ideal for parks and areas where you’re unlikely to meet anyone else. They help you train your dog to return in the outside environment of your home without taking them off leash.

If you’re going somewhere with other dogs, you should leave the extendable leads at home. As discussed above, they really work well for well-trained not for dogs who pull.

  1. Give yourself ample amount of time.

A dog walk doesn’t finish within 10 minutes. You should give yourself and your pet ample time to relax, especially if you’re training them. This will help your pet to get used to the area and walk alongside with you as well as stay calm and composed. Most dogs prefer walking in the morning when they are just out of bed and are not too excited. Even, the weather remains cool in the morning, which is very much preferable for dog walking.

  1. Bring Treats.

If you are leash training your dog on your own, bring treats that they love. The important tip for you is to bring small treats, specifically designed for training as they are lower in calorie.

Remember that, you shouldn’t always reward your dog with a treat all of the time. Treat your beloved pet more frequently at the very beginning of the training and lower the frequency gradually so that they become more obedient. Do practice sitting at crosswalks, get them to return to you and walk beside you.

  1. Hire a Dog Walker in NJ.

If you don’t have enough time to do long walk, you should consider getting a NJ dog walker from Happy Tails. They’ll provide your dogs with enough exercise they require and leash train your pet while they do so.

With a professional dog walker by your side, you can go out with your pet comfortably. They will remain calm and behave really well. At Happy Tails, we have extensive years of experience and expertise of handling dog walks of every kind best suiting your personal requirements and preferences. For more information about our NJ dog walking service, feel free to contact us as soon as possible at (609) 636-6984.

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